07468 907678
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Walk Your Dog Pet Services
07468 907678
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 6am-Late
Sat: 6am-6pm
Sun: 6am-6pm
Not only are we Pet Recommended
we have some great qualifications
for your piece of mind...

Canine Business Diploma, Puppy Training, Canine Nutrition, Canine Behaviour & Animal Welfare Diploma
Canine Business Diploma covers - Plan, Belief, Multiskilling, Marketing Plan, Online Marketing, Social media & Website, Online Business, People & Client Relationships, Business Awareness. See Certificate HERE
Puppy Training covers - Genetic influence, puppy sources, birth to 14 weeks, practical puppy parenting, body language & communication, how puppies learn, good manners and happy walks, training in practice & the growing puppy. See Certificate HERE
Canine Behaviour covers - Canine history, genetics, evolution, breed differences & senses, the dog's brain and early learning, social structure of the dog & emotions, communication, body language & stress, environmental & owner influences, health, diet & hormones, how dogs learn, punishment & discipline, aggression, how to train a dog & changing behaviour. See Certificate HERE
Canine Nutrition Diploma covers - Canine nutrition, digestion & immunity, diet & health, nutritional needs of a dog, vitamins & health, feeding options for dog owners, life stage feeding, obesity, specific health problems & whole dog health, See Certificate HERE
Animal Welfare Diploma covers - Introduction to Pet Ownership and Animal Welfare, Handling & restraining, House requirements, Health plans in Dogs, Cats, Rabbits & Snakes, First aid in domestic animals, Poisoning in domestic animals, Signs of good health, Signs of ill health & Legislation in the UK.
See Certificate HERE

Pet First Aid
This Qualification covers - The Vet, Emergencies, Car Accidents, Pet Proofing the Home, Checking Pet Health, Checking Pet Teeth, Breathing Problems, CPR and Drowning, Shock and Broken Bones, Spinal Injury, Controlling Bleeding, Paw Problems, Ears Eyes Mouth and Tail, Illness, Poisoning Bites and Stings, Burns, Older Younger and Small Animals, Pets First Aid Kit. See Certificate HERE